Game Troopers continues to release a bunch of new games on the Windows Phone platform. The latest title is called Runemals, a fantasy-themed game that combines puzzles with turn-based RPG elements. It also seems like its very similar on the surface to the classic "monster collection" games like Pokémon.
Here's a look at its features
- EXCITING AND STRATEGIC ACTION Gather energy by tapping color groups in super-fast 10-second challenges. Lead your team in battle, decide your strategy and manage your energy resources. Explore an island full of adventures, defeat powerful enemies and acquire the loot.
- MONSTER COLLECTING Discover, CAPTURE and train a vast collection of unique animals. Test different team combinations, try different elemental creatures and discover which ones are more versatile, more powerful or suit your gameplay the most.
- POWER UP AND EVOLVE Level your team up so they learn NEW abilities. EVOLVE them to make them even stronger: with the right training, charming creatures can become awesome battle beasts.
- ENGAGING STORY Discover Bright's adventure: an orphan who will become a Runemal trainer thanks to his master's help.
Runemals will expand in the coming months with new animals, special events and more content. The game is also Xbox-enabled for unlocking achievements and more. The game does support 512MB Windows Phone devices.
Download Runamals from the Windows Phone Store (Free)