![Infinite Runner Game Roundup]()
Windows Phone Central Gaming Roundup: Endless Runners
Endless Runner games, also know to some as Infinite Runner games, are a fantastic way to pass the time with and there are plenty to choose from in the Windows Phone Store. You know the games, the ones where the gaming character runs, jumps, dodges, and tumbles through various obstacles and dangers. You run as far as possible before you eventually take a wrong turn, jump a little too late, or otherwise find your character stumble to their fate.
While this genre of games seems to be multiplying faster than weather apps, we shine the light on four of the top rated endless runners that are available in the Windows Phone Store for this week's roundup. All four titles were highly anticipated titles that are drawn-up nicely and would be a great addition to your Windows Phone gaming library.
![Minion Rush]()
Minion Rush (free)
The hit movie Despicable Me spawned a collection of humorous characters called minions who are the little yellow sidekicks for the movies main character, Gru. The minion’s high-pitched giggles and comedic antics easily brings a smile to everyone’s face. As one would guess, Minion Rush is a Windows Phone 8 game featuring these little yellow fellows.
![Minion Rush]()
Minion Rush Main Menu and Costume Shop
Minion Rush is a wonderfully animated game where you have to race your little minion down the halls of a Gru’s scientific lab, through the neighborhood streets and El Macho’s lair. Along the way these little guys collect bananas that can be used in the game’s shop to buy upgrades, boost and costumes.
Dangers range from school buses, bombs, fire hydrants, road signs, and passenger cars. Bonus items are available that will turn your minion into a Mega Minion where he stomps the little minions, shield your minion from dangers, place him on a rocket to zip through the course, and more.
![Minion Rush]()
Minion Rush Gru's Lab, Rocket Launch and Residential Scenes
Minion Rush also has a few boss fights where you duck and dodge attacks from various characters from the Despicable Me movie. There are also side missions/goals that you can strive for that allows the game to go beyond just seeing how far you can run.
Game play is accomplished by a series of screen swipes and dynamic camera angles follow your character through thick and thin. The only thing missing is a few downloadable minion ringtones.
Minion Rush is a great gaming option for passing short bits of time or when you have a little longer gaming time to burn. It is a free game available for Windows Phone 8 (including the low-memory devices such as the Nokia Lumia 520). There are a few in-app purchases available to build up your banana and token stash that you can spend in the game shop.
You can find Minion Rush here in the Windows Phone Store.
![Temple Run 2]()
Temple Run 2 (free)
Temple Run 2 is the latest edition of the Temple Run gaming series. You have the original Temple Run, Temple Run Oz and Temple Run Brave. The latter two are based on the movies that share the same name. Temple Run 2, unlike the other titles, is an Xbox Windows Phone gaming title, which lends itself to Xbox Live achievements and leaderboards.
![Temple Run 2]()
Temple Run 2's Main Screen and Menu Options
Once again, you are tasked with running, jumping, sliding and turning to escape the temple with the cursed idol with Temple Run 2. All while a giant ape-like monster is chasing you. Movement is accomplished by a series of screen swipes and the pace of the game has a little zip to it.
Stumble and a monstrous creature that is chasing you will tear you from limb to limb. Misjudge a jump, turn left when you should turn right, or blink at the wrong time your character will meet his doom as well.
As with the other infinite running games, as you race to safety you can collect coins (Minions collect bananas) that can be used in the game’s shop to purchase upgrades, boost, and unlock additional characters.
![Temple Run 2]()
Temple Run 2 Game Screen and Scoring Summary
The only downside (and it is a small one) to Temple Run 2 is that it takes noticeably longer to load than the other Temple Run games. It isn’t all bad though. The longer load time gives you a few seconds to clear your mind and get ready for the run.
Of the four games in this week’s roundup, Temple Run 2 might be the least forgiving. Barely miss a turn, jump or slide and that hairy beast could catch you. While all of the endless runner games in this week's roundup has a quick pace, Temple Run 2 feels as though it has a little more pep to it. The slightest glance away from the screen could find your character missing a turn or running off a cliff.
Graphics and animations are very respectable, game play challenging and Temple Run 2 shares the previous versions addictive quality. Temple Run 2, like the original, is a free game. It is available for Windows Phone 8 devices and you can pick up your copy here in the Windows Phone Store.
Temple Run 2 is currently not available for low-memory devices such as the Nokia Lumia 520.
![Rail Rush]()
Rail Rush (free)
Rail Rush is an infinite runner that relies on your ability to steer a run-away mine cart instead of your foot speed. The Windows Phone 8 game is currently an exclusive to Lumia Windows Phones and was recently updated to add a Christmas theme into the mix.
Rail Rush places you in a runaway mine cart that is racing through an endless mine shaft. You have to steer your cart from side to side, duck inside it, and lean the cart to one side or the other to avoid various dangers.
![Rail Rush]()
Rail Rush Main Menu and Gaming Options
The game includes six different worlds that include hidden levels. Rail Rush includes two worlds, the Christmas themed world and a Halloween themed world free. Two additional worlds are available through in-app purchases ($1.49 each).
Controlling your mine car is accomplished by a series of screen swipes and by leaning your Windows Phone left or right. Leaning your phone allows your miner to reach out and collect gems and gold nuggets that can be spent in the game’s shop. You can buy additional heroes, cart boost/upgrades, and other bonus items from the shop. In-app purchases are available as well to buy nuggets and some bonus items.
![Rail Rush]()
Rail Rush Worlds Menu and Game Play
The further you travel down the mine, the faster the pace becomes. You really need to stay on your toes to avoid hitting turn styles, barricades, or simply miss that the track runs out.
Rail Rush is a fun game to pass short bit of time with and does have an addictive quality that helps the game last a little bit longer if needed. It is a nice change of pace from similar games that have you running all over the place.
Rail Rush is a free game and is currently an exclusive to the Nokia Lumia Windows Phone lineup (it will play on the low-memory devices). You can find Rail Rush here in the Nokia Collection of the Windows Phone Store.
![Subway Surfers]()
Subway Surfers (free)
Subway Surfers has seen its fair share of success over on iOS and Android platforms. After much anticipation, the infinite runner game landed in the Windows Phone Store just a few weeks ago.
The game has your racing through the train stations of London. The developers even added a Christmas theme to the game with holiday decorations and instead of running from the grumpy train inspector you are running from Santa.
![Subway Surfers]()
Subway Surfers Main Menu and Surfer Shop
As you duck, dodge and race along the train tracks you can collect coins that can be used in the game’s shop to purchase upgrades, boosts, gear and unlock additional subway surfing characters.
Along with running around the various obstacles, you can tap the screen at times to activate your hover board and zip between the trains. Bonus items will line the tracks to help your surfer survive the run such as jet packs, pogo sticks, and bouncy shoes. However, if you stumble ever so slightly the inspector (or Santa) will catch you. Even if you successfully out run the inspector, misjudging a jump or a dodge can send you head first into a train, which is never good.
![Subway Surfers]()
Subway Surfers Game Screens
Subway Surfers also includes a collection of side-missions to help keep the game fresh. Missions such as collecting a certain amount of coins in a run, jump a certain number of times in a run, etc.
All totaled, Subway Surfers is another quality gaming option for your Windows Phone and the Windows Phone version should share just as much success as the other versions have experienced.
Subway Surfers is a free game, available for Windows Phone 8 devices. You do have a few in-app purchases for coins and keys bundles to give you a head start in buying boosts, gear and other items from the game’s shop.
You can find Subway Surfers here in the Windows Phone Store. Subway Surfers is currently not available for low-memory devices such as the Nokia Lumia 520.
What is the best gaming option?
What is the best gaming option? It is a coin toss. All four gaming titles are highly rated and rightfully so.
The Temple Run series gives Windows Phone gamers the option to choose a themed version of the game or stick with the standard version. Either way, game play is challenging, entertaining and addictive.
Rail Rush gives you the option of racing through various worlds that can keep the game’s scenery from getting old. While you are not running through the mine, piloting your mining cart can be just as challenging. Some may say more challenging.
It is hard to find anything wrong with Minion Rush or Subway Surfers as well. Both games have outstanding graphics and animations, game play is challenging, and there are plenty of side missions/goals to keep the game from growing stale.
These four gaming titles are a small sampling of the infinite or endless running games available in the Windows Phone Store. If we have missed your favorite, sound off below in the comments and share your favorite running game.