Remember those fantastic goals you've seen on TV that you wish you could recreate? Now you can with this latest Windows Phone game from aptly titled First Touch Publishing. The game, Score! World Goals, puts players in charge of netting those classic football goals from around the world. Your fingers are in control of famous goals, but do you have the skill to get past the opposition's defense?
It's an interesting concept, mixing puzzle gameplay with sport. Players are rated with up to three stars per level, and there are a variety of levels spanning multiple difficulty settings. These levels are packed nicely in different packages, the first covering great goals from the year of 2010. Other packages (unlocked through playing the game) span multiple categories, including international decades 1990s, international goals: road to Brazil and more.
Each pack of levels can be purchased using in-game money, earned by completing levels successfully. If you'd rather skip the beat and get started in your favourite decade, funds can be added through in-game purchases, ranging from $1.99 up to $45.99, so be aware when adding some extra coins to your account. That said, it's a superb game and well worth the investment if you're having a blast. Do note that the game is free to download.
The game provides a wide array of matches to player through with multiple challenges to overcome. These include passing, crossing and shooting using multiple swipe gestures. Rendered in 3D, the opposition will react to how you decide to play the ball, which makes it satisfying to battle through. In fact, the graphics will come as a surprise to many, especially on 1080p displays. A neat feature of the game is the constant stream of updated content, which is promised to be released.
Advertising can be disabled by purchasing a coin pack. We recommend the game if you're a football fan or simply enjoy puzzle games. This title works on hardware with 512MB of RAM.
- Download Score! World Goals (free - 37MB)