Attack on Titan 2, the follow-up to 2016's first entry in the series, is coming to Xbox One and PC.
Koei Tecmo has announced that Attack on Titan 2 is in development for Xbox One and PC, in addition to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. The game, which is set for launch in 2018, will follow 2016's Attack on Titan by covering the events of the second season of the anime. Players will also get to check out some new moves in their efforts to save their world from the attacking Titans.
Attack on Titan 2 delves deeply into the fascinating narrative of Attack on Titan's second season and offers players versatile action and new challenges, as it introduces the newly improved omni-directional mobility gear offering advanced freedom of movement and targeting precision to counter enhanced Titan movements.
Koei Tecmo promises a huge roster of characters will be available to play, as well as "more advanced RPG elements." From the sounds of it, if you liked the first Attack on Titan game (which we certainly did), then the second will offer a lot to like — and then some.
The publisher is keeping exact details mum for the moment, but we should hear more on specific mechanics, as well as a release date, in the coming weeks. For now, you can grab the first entry in the series on Xbox and Steam for $59.99.