Microsoft can notch another sales victory on its belt — at least for Black Friday. According to Adobe's annual Black Friday sales report (via VentureBeat), the Xbox One took a sales lead over the PlayStation 4 on the holiday shopping day in the U.S., coming in fifth on the list the top-selling electronics.
While the Xbox One came out ahead of the PlayStation 4 on Black Friday, it still landed behind iPads, Samsung 4k TVs, the MacBook Air, and LG TVs in the category of electronics. Interestingly, Cyber Monday sales saw a noticeable shift, according to Adobe's numbers, placing the PlayStation 4 as the top-selling product in electronics (just ahead of Xbox) for that day.
Microsoft has enjoyed a surge in Xbox One sales over the past several months, bolstered by the strength of the Xbox One S and enticing bundle deals. In fact, October marked the fourth consecutive month that the Xbox One took the top sales spot in North America, according to NPD. Adobe's overall numbers might indicate a shift from this pattern, however: while Xbox may have won Black Friday, Adobe's number show PlayStation 4 as the top-selling console for the rest of November.
Did you pick up a new Xbox One over the Black Friday weekend? Let us know in the comments!