PaperNoide is an entertaining Windows 10 game that should appeal to those looking for a fun time waster or those who are fans of the classic Breakout- or Arkanoid-style game.
The sketchbook-like graphics give PaperNoide a unique appearance and gameplay is challenging enough to keep you on your toes. PaperNoide currently has twenty levels, with more in development.
The free game is available for Windows 10 PC and Mobile, as well as Windows 8.1 PC and Phone (including low-memory devices). It is not an overly complicated game to pick up and play and is a fun game to spend a little down time with.
PaperNoide's primary menu is minimal with options to jump into gameplay, access the game's settings and view a tutorial screen. Gameplay includes 20 levels that are progressively unlocked and become progressively more challenging.
Settings include options for turning on/off the sound and music, display the FPS in the game and options for gaming controls. Controls include mouse/finger, keyboard or on-screen buttons. The mouse/finger seems to most response and, in turn, works the best.
The goal of PaperNoide is as it is with any brick breaker game: obliterate bricks that are positioned at the top of the gaming screen by bouncing a ball off of them. You keep the ball in play by sliding a paddle along the bottom of the screen, bouncing the ball back into the bricks. To begin play, just tap on the paddle.
Some bricks require multiple hits to destroy and some levels include unbreakable bricks that serve as obstacles you have to work around. Clear all the breakable bricks and you advance to the next level. If a ball passes your paddle and leaves the field of play, you lose a life. PaperNoide affords you three lives and when all are lost the game is over.
There are five power-ups available that drop randomly from crushed bricks. These power-ups include a laser bar, paddle magnet, double ball, triple ball and extra life bonuses.
For the most part, PaperNoide plays out like your typical Breakout style game. The paddle does have sloped ends to allow you to angle your ball's trajectory. I did find that the on-screen control buttons had trouble keeping pace with the bouncing ball at times and that for the best results, using your finger (or mouse) worked the best. The downside here was that at times my finger would block the paddle, making it harder to aim the bounce.
PaperNoide doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles or fancy graphics. The sketchbook style graphics have a slight minimalist feel and looks good. Gameplay starts out a little on the slow side with the first gaming level but picks up nicely from there on out.
The game is ad-supported with banners that appear at the top center of the display. The ads randomly appear, and when they do they stick out like sore thumbs. I did experience a glitch at times that froze the paddle in place. It did not occur that frequently, but when the glitch strikes you end up losing a life. I do not think it is a deal breaker, but something that needs to be fixed in an update to the game.
The free game is available for Windows 10 PC and Mobile, along with Windows 8.1 PC and Phones (including low-memory phones). PaperNoide is a fun title to have in your gaming library for occasions where you need a little help passing the time.
Download PaperNoide from the Windows Store