Age of Empires: Castle Siege has been updated for Windows 10. The freemium title from Microsoft offers fans of the strategy series the ability to build up their own castles while having the opportunity to attack and raid other players. This latest update brings with it an updated tutorial, alliances search, daily combat rewards, and much more.
According to the store listing, here's what is new in this latest release:
- Updated and improved tutorial.
- Added 20 new single player missions teaching basic tactics and strategy.
- Added new objectives for players to complete for honor items.
- Added a Daily Combat Reward.
- Upgraded alliance search.
- The alliance home page now shows when alliance members are online/offline.
- High level siege towers now spawn units when they attach to walls.
- Decreased requirements to build the Basilica Wonder.
- Reworked victory screen.
- Added new notifications for collectors.
- When returning from battle, players will now be informed if a new purchase is available.
- Marketplace menu now auto-sorts by what is available to purchase.
- Added Civilization flags for all 6 civilizations.
Give the update a download from the Windows Store and let us know how you're enjoying newly added content in the comments.
Download Age of Empires: Castle Siege for Windows 10