Tap Titans, the popular "clicker" fantasy role playing game from developer Game Hive, has found its way back to the Windows Phone Store. The app was pulled in March due to issues of the game crashing on low memory devices.
The bad news is that the re-released version of Tap Titans no longer works on those low memory smartphones, so you might be out of luck. For those folks who are unfamiliar with the game, your goal is to develop a hero with all sorts of weapons and abilities to fight giant monsters. Here's a quick look at its features:
- HIRE 30 animated heroes to help you along your journey
- DEFEAT 60 unique and destructive monsters
- EXPLORE 10 beautiful, hand-crafted environments
- PRESTIGE to new worlds to collect relics used to buy precious artifacts
- SUMMON 30 powerful artifacts to give your heroes special abilities
Thanks to Kyle for the tip!