Detective Byomkesh Bakshy! is an upcoming Indian crime thriller film based on the fictional detective Byomkesh Bakshi created by the Bengali writer Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay. The film stars Sushant Singh Rajput, Anand Tiwari, and Swastika Mukherjee in principal roles and is scheduled for release this weekend.
To accompany the movie promotions, Yash Raj Films and Games2Win have partnered to bring a thrilling detective game to Windows Phone. The game is set in the city of Calcutta in 1943 - a city plunged in war, hate, and crime – where people live in fear and shadows. And there is only one man is in search of the truth – Detective Byomkesh Bakshy!
In the game, the famous detective, a man with fascinating intelligence, strong observation powers, and an explosive wit to match decides take you as his partner. You join him on his quest to uncover some of the biggest mysteries and evils that are haunting the city.
You need to catch up with his shrewd mind, and expose hidden motives and follow clues while learning the science of observation and deduction. Whether it's a petty crime or stopping the diabolic plan that threatens the future of India, the two of you can't stop. Check out this trailer for the game... it's for the Android version, but the game play is identical.
Give Detective Byomkesh Bakshy! (DBB) a whirl and engage your detective mind. It's free to download, although ad-supported. DBB is an interesting game with neat graphics and an indulgent game play. Stay alert as everything is not what it seems in this hidden objects game!